Lumbini changed into a religious site soon after the Mahaprinirvana of Lord Buddha. A monastic site evolved around the sacred spot of Buddha's birth. The birth-spot being the most holy point in the whole of the holy land of Lumbini drew the attention of generous devotees who erected structures to pay homage to the great Mast. These constrictions were of religious nature. Along the religious complex, a civic settlement also sprang up to meet the growing need of the religious community visiting or living in the holy complex.
The image of Maya Devi, also known as the Nativity sculpture dated back to 4th century AD, depicts Maya Devi, holding the branch of a tree with her right hand for support. Next to her Gautami Prajapati, her own sister, in supporting posture in the time of delivery is standing. The newly born prince Siddhartha is standing upright on a lotus pedestal, with two celestial figures receiving him

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