At the ages of Buddha Lumbini was a park situated between Devdaha and Kapilvastu and was owned by Shakyans and Kolia dynasties. The park was then known as "Rummindei". 
According to 'Sutta Nipata'(vs.683) Siddhartha Gautama "Buddha" was born in a village of Shakyans in Lumbineyya Janapada. He was born on the way of his mother's visit to her parents home Devdaha in the month of May of 563 B.C. There on the way, Mayadevi feeling the intense labour pains, grabbed on a hold of branches of a peepal tree and gave birth to child Siddhartha Gautam, is been shown in carvings in Lumbini, which still persists. The future Buddha borned is said to have announced "This birth is my final rebirth" as he entered the world. It is believed that he walked immediately after his birth and took seven steps, and under each step bloomed a lotus flower. The Buddha stayed in Lumbini Vana during his visit to Devdaha later and there preached the Devdaha Sutta.

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