The Indian Buddhist Emperor Ashoka visited lumbini in about 249 B.C. and constructed four stupas and a stone pillar which still stands today near the Mayadevi Temple. Ashoka's pillar has inscriptions written in ancient 'pali' script which on transliteration states:
"King Piyadasi (Ashoka) beloved of the devas(Gods) in the 20 year coronation himself made a Royal visit, Buddha Shakyamuni having been born here, A stone railing was built and stone pillar erected to the Bhagavan(Blessed one or god) having been born here. Lumbini village was taxed reduced and entitled to the eight part(only)".

A huge complex of monastries & stupas were erected on the site by followers of Buddha and Ashoka. This building series of monastries and temples continued long time, almost until the 9th century. Later than it Buddhism declined due to the disturbances and influence of Islam and Hinduism. The ancient great garden of Lumbini then slowly started to sink onto the depth of dust and soil and almost disappeared for centuries though was still being visited by few great pilgrims.

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